
joi, 14 octombrie 2010

Diagnoza EEC IV(test agrafa)

Pentru modelul care are mufa de diagnoza la motor testul se face foarte usor.Testul se poate face cu un led si o rezistenta de 1Kohm. Testul mai merge facut si cu un bec de pozitie.La testul cu bec se elimina polaritatea ledului(+/-)
 Ledul se conecteaza la mufa exact cum este aratat mai sus.Evident becul nu are plus si minus  :) .

Testul se face in felul urmator:

-Motorul trebuie s fie la temperatura normala adica TRECUT DE LINIA ALBA.
 1-Se pune contactul
2-Se cupleaza ledul
                     3-Ledul clipeste RAPID de 3 ori
                     4-Dupa o pauza apar si codurile.

Codurile se citesc in felul urmator: se numara de cate ori se aprinde ledul pana la o pauza de 2 sec.Adica daca ledul se aprinde de 4 ori cifra este 4. Dupa pauza de 2 sec apare a 2 a cifra,care se citeste cum am scris mai sus.

EX. I I - - I I I I - - I I I I I I - - - (COD 2 - - 4 - - 6 - - -

In EX. litera I este o aprindere a ledului. pauza este - .Codurile sunt despartite de 3 sec pauza.

Aici este un pic mai complicat,pentru cine nu are mufa de diagnoza la motor,poate face diagnoza direct din ECU.Se scoate unitatea de injectie(nu se deconecteaza mufa)apoi se cauta pinul 17 si pinul 48.Normal pinul 17 si 48 nu au fire trase.Daca ai fire insemna mufa de diagnoza se afla la motor.

De la pinul 17 se trage fir la MINUSUL ledului iar PLUSUL ledului se leaga la pinul 16 de pe OBD(este plus).Merge si plus de la baterie.
Din pinul 48 se trage fir intr un intrerupator iar din intrerupator la masa(eu am tras la caroserie)Merge si fara intrerupator.
Daca se foloseste bec se elimina polaritatea ledului.Codurile se citesc identic.

Testul in cazurile de mai sus se face cu motorul oprit,apoi pornit.La testul cu motorul oprit dupa ce au aparut codurile la prima verificare,dupa o pauza de 6 sec apar si codurile din memorie.In memorie se stocheaza codurile (problemele )care au fost o data si au fost remediate.Pentru stergerea codurilor din memorie se deconecteaza testerul inainte de a inchide contactul.

Testul cu motorul pornit :Se porneste motorul
                                         Se incalzeste motorul(trecut de linia alba)
                                         Se conecteaza testerul(ledul becul)
                                         Motorul se tureaza singur
                                         Se misca volanul stanga/dreapta pana la maxim
                                         Dupa o pauza de 4-6 sec ledul clipeste o data
                                         Se apasa acceleratia la podea timp de 1 sec
                                         Ledul clipeste rapid de trei ori
                                         Urmeaza codurile

Atentie nu toate codurile apar la testul cu motorul oprit.

( O )-motor oprit
( M )-coduri din memorie
( R )-coduri cu motorul pornit

11 System checks OK -

12 Idle Speed Control motor or Air Bypass not controlling idle properly (generally idle too low)

13 (O) ISC did not respond properly (extends to touch throttle then retracts for KOEO)
(R) Idle Speed Control motor or Air Bypass not controlling idle properly (generally idle too high)
(M) ISC sticking, open ITS circuit or TP sticking

14 Ignition pickup was erratic
E4OD Transmission diesel RPM sensor

15 (O) No Keep Alive Memory power to PCM pin 1 or bad PCM (Memory Test Failure)
(M) KAM (pin 1) was interrupted (was battery disconnected ?)

16 1.9L & 2.5L - Throttle stop set too high
2.3L - RPM's too low
(O) Electronic ignition - IDM circuit fault

17 1.9L & 2.5L - Throttle stop set too low

18 (R) Check base timing & advance function
(M) Ignition TACH signal erratic

19 (O) No Vehicle Power (pins 37 + 57) or bad PCM
(R) Erratic idle during test (reset throttle & retest)
Electronic ignition Cylinder ID sensor/circuit problem

21 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor out of range

22 MAP (vacuum) or BARO signal out of range

23 Throttle sensor out of range or throttle set too high

24 Intake Air Temperature (IAT) or Vane Air Temperature (VAT) sensor out of range

25 Knock sensor not tested (ignore if not pinging)

26 Mass Air Flow (MAF) or Vane Air Flow (VAF) out of range
Transmission Oil Temperature (TOT) sensor out of range

27 Vehicle Speed Sensor problem

28 Vane Air Temperature (VAT) sensor out of range
2.3L w/Electronic Ignition - Cyl ID, IDM low or right coil pack failure

29 Vehicle Speed Sensor problem


EVP is for vehicles equipped with EGR solenoid(s), with or without an EVP sensor

EVR is for vehicles equipped with an EGR Vacuum Regulator (EVR) and an EGR Valve Position (EVP) sensor

PFE is for vehicles with Pressure Feedback EGR (PFE) sensor and and an EGR Vacuum Regulator (EVR)

If you don't know what type of system you have, go to the EVP heading, which is the first one.
There are pictures under the different headings to help you identify the system.

31 EVP - (O, R, M) EVP signal is/was out of range
EVR - (O, R, M) EVP signal is/was low
PFE - (O, R, M) PFE signal is/was low

32 EVP - (R) EGR not responding properly during test
EVR - (O, R, M) EVP signal is/was low
PFE - (R, M) PFE shows low pressure, EGR not seating or memory, not seating intermittently

33 ALL - (O, M) EGR did not open/ respond during test or if memory code, did not open intermittently

34 EVP - (R) EGR did not respond properly during test EVR - (O, R, M) EVP sensor is/was high PFE - (O, R, M) PFE sensor is/was out of range

35 EVP - (R) Engine RPM's too low to test EGR system
EVR - (O, R, M) EVP sensor signal is/was high
PFE - (O, R, M) PFE sensor signal is/was high

38 Idle Tracking Switch signal was intermittent

39 Transmission Torque Converter clutch not engaging


41 (R) System lean
(M) System was lean for 15 seconds or more (no HO2S switching)

42 (R) System rich
(M) System was rich for 15 seconds or more (no HO2S switching)

43 (R) HO2S sensor not reading (run at 2000 rpm's for 2 minutes and retest - check for HO2S switching)
(M) Was lean at WOT for 3 seconds or more

44 AIR system inoperative

45 AIR not Diverting (AIRD)
Electronic Ignition - coil primary circuit failure

46 AIR Bypass (AIRB) not working
Electronic Ignition - primary circuit failure coil 2

47 Low flow unmetered air (check for small vacuum leaks, injector o'rings, gaskets etc.)
E4OD transmission 4x4 switch/circuit problem

48 High flow unmetered air (check for large vacuum leak, inlet hoses etc.)
Electronic Ignition - coil primary circuit failure

49 Electronic Ignition - spout signal circuit problem
Transmission 1/2 shift problem

51 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor signal is/was too high

52 Power Steering Pressure Switch/circuit open
(R) Did you turn wheel during test ?

53 Throttle Position sensor too high

54 Intake Air Temperature (IAT) or Vane Air Temperature (VAT) signal high

55 No or low (under 7.5 V) Key Power to PCM pin 5

56 Vane Air Flow (VAF) or Mass Air Flow (MAF) sensor high
Transmission Oil Temperature sensor too high

57 Intermittent in Park/Neutral/ Switch or Neutral Pressure switch circuit
1990 Scorpio - Octane jumper installed (information only code - to inform you if it is installed or not)

58 Idle Tracking Switch (ITS) signal problem
Vane Air Temperature (VAT) sensor out of range or open

59 AXOD 4/3 circuit fault
3.0L SHO - Low speed fuel pump circuit problem
Transmission 2/3 shift problem
1990 Scorpio - Idle jumper installed (information only code - to inform you if it is installed or not)

61 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor is or was too low

62 AXOD (KOEO only) 3/2 circuit short to ground
AXOD (KOEO AND KOER) 4/3 circuit failure
E4OD excessive converter clutch slippage

63 Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) signal too low

64 Intake Air Temperature (IAT) or Vane Air Temperature (VAT) signal low or grounded

65 Check intermittent HO2S (signal or ground)
(R) E4OD truck - cycle OD cancel switch after engine ID is received
1984 3.8L ONLY - O, M Battery voltage high (check for electrical system overcharging)

66 Vane Air Flow (VAF) or Mass Air Flow (MAF) signal low
Transmission Oil Temperature (TOT) signal low (possibly grounded)

67 Park/Neutral circuit fault
Transmission Manual Lever Position (MLP) sensor circuit
(M) Intermittent Park Neutral Position (PNP) sensor fault

68 Idle Tracking Switch (ITS) circuit (possibly grounded)
Vane Air Temperature (VAT) sensor out of range or grounded
3.8L AXOD -Transmission Temperature Switch (TTS) open
Electronic Transmission - Transmission Oil Temperature (TOT) sensor was overheated

69 AXOD transmission (O) 3/2 switch closed (possible short circuit)
AXOD (M) 3/2 switch open (poss short to power)
E4OD 3/4 shift problem

70 (M) 3.8L AXOD - Data link to instrument cluster fault. Service any other EEC codes, erase memory and retest.
If code is still present refer to instrument cluster diagnosis manual.

71 (M) 1.9L TBI, 2.3L TBI, 2.5L TBI - ITS signal was grounded when throttle should have been opening ITS
ISC motor problem or Idle Tracking Switch (ITS) signal wire shorted to ground
(M) 1.9L MFI - PCM re-initialized. Possible electrical noise, case ground or intermittent VPWR problem
(M) 3.8L AXOD - Data link to instrument cluster fault - See code 70

72 (R) No MAP or MAF change in "goose" test - retest, check for frequency or voltage change
(M) 1.9L MFI - VPWR circuit to PCM was intermittent
(M) 2.3L T/C - PCM re-initialized. Possible electrical noise, case ground or intermittent VPWR problem
(M) 3.8L AXOD - Message center data link circuit fault - See code 70

73 (O) Rerun test, if 73 is still output replace TPS
(R) No Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) change in "goose" test. Must get at least 25% throttle rotation

74 Was brake depressed after engine ID was received ?
Brake On Off (BOO) signal open or short to ground

75 Brake On Off (BOO) signal shorted to power

76 Vane Air Flow (VAF) did not respond to "goose" test

77 System did not receive "goose" test - see TESTS

78 (M) VPWR circuit to PCM was intermittent or the PCM is bad

79 A/C is on or pin 10 is shorted to power


81 Boost control solenoid
AIRD solenoid
3.0L SHO - Inlet Air Solenoid

82 2.3L TC - Fan Control wire shorted to ground
AIRB solenoid
3.8L SC - Super Charger Bypass Solenoid

83 High Electro Drive Fan circuit fault
EGR Control solenoid
3.0L SHO - Low Speed Fuel Pump Relay circuit

84 EGR Vacuum Regulator
EGR cutoff solenoid
EGR Vent solenoid

85 2.3L T/C Automatic - 3/4-4/3 Shift solenoid
CANP solenoid (ALL 1989)
(M) 1.9L MFI - System has corrected rich condition

86 2.3L or 2.9L Truck - A4LD 3/4 shift solenoid
(M) 1.9L MFI - System has corrected lean condition

87 (O) Fuel pump circuit fault (check inertia switch)
Vehicles with 2BBL carb - Temperature Compensated Accelerator Pump Solenoid
(M) intermittent in fuel pump primary circuit
NOTE: On some Escorts with automatic seat belts this code is normal IN MEMORY due to the wiring

88 Throttle Kicker Solenoid
Variable Voltage Choke relay circuit fault
Fan Control circuit fault
A4LD - Converter Clutch Override solenoid
Electronic Ignition - IDM, DPI or spout circuit fault

89 A4LD - Converter Clutch Override solenoid
AXOD Torque Converter Control solenoid circuit
Exhaust Heat Control (heat riser) solenoid circuit


91 (R, M) System running lean
Transmission SS 1 circuit/solenoid problem

92 (R) System running rich
Transmission SS 2 circuit/solenoid problem

93 (O) Throttle linkage binding or bad ISC motor (R) HO2S not reading
Transmission TCC circuit/solenoid problem

94 AIR system inoperative
Transmission TCC circuit/solenoid problem

95 (O) Fuel pump: open, bad ground or always on
(R) AIR not Diverting (AIRD)
(M) Possible bad fuel pump ground or open between fuel pump and pin 8 at PCM (Fuel Pump Monitor signal)

96 (O) Fuel pump monitor circuit shows no power
(R) AIR Bypass (AIRB) not working
(M) (Service 87 code first if present) Fuel pump relay or battery power feed was open

97 E4OD OD cancel light circuit failure

98 (R) Did not pass KOEO yet (Get 11 in KOEO first)
Transmission EPC circuit/solenoid failure

99 (R) ISC needs to learn (Let idle for 2 minutes; Erase memory and retest)
Transmission EPC circuit/solenoid failure

111 System checks OK

112 (O,M) Intake Air Temperature (IAT) sensor is/was low or grounded

113 (O,M) IAT sensor is/was high or open

114 (O,R) IAT sensor out of range

116 (O,R) Engine Coolant (ECT) sensor out of range

117 (O,M) ECT sensor is/was low or grounded

118 (O,M) ECT sensor is/was high or open

121 (O,R,M) Throttle Position (TP) sensor out of range

122 (O,M) TP low (possibly grounded or open circuit)

123 (O,M) TP is/was high or short to power

124 (M) TP voltage was higher than expected

125 (M) TP voltage was lower than expected

126 (O,R,M) MAP or BARO sensor out of range

128 (M) MAP vacuum has not been changing - check vacuum lines

129 (R) No MAP or Mass Air Flow sensor change during "goose" test

136 (R) Oxygen sensor not switching/system lean Left or Front HO2S

137 (R) Oxygen sensor not switching/system rich Left or Front HO2S

138 (R) Fault in Cold Start Injector circuit

139 (M) Oxygen sensor not switching Left or Front HO2S

144 (M) Oxygen sensor not switching Single, Right or Rear HO2S

157 (R,M) Mass Air Flow signal is/was low or grounded

158 (O,R,M) MAF sensor is/was high or short to power

159 (O,R) MAF sensor is/was out of range

167 (R) No Throttle Position sensor change in "goose" test (must get at least 25% rotation)

171 (M) Oxygen sensor not switching - system was at adaptive limits - Single, Right or Rear HO2S

172 (R,M) Oxygen sensor not switching - system is or was lean - Single, Right or Rear HO2S

173 (R,M) Oxygen sensor not switching - system is or was rich - Single, Right or Rear HO2S

174 (M) Oxygen sensor was slow in switching Single, Right or Rear HO2S

175 (M) Oxygen sensor not switching - system was at adaptive limits - Left or Front HO2S

176 (M) Oxygen sensor not switching - system is or was lean Left or Front HO2S

177 (M) Oxygen sensor not switching - system was rich Left or Front HO2S

178 (M) Oxygen sensor was slow in switching Left or Front HO2S

179 (M) Fuel system was rich at part throttle Single, Right or Rear HO2S

181 (M) Fuel system was lean at part throttle Single, Right or Rear HO2S

182 (M) Fuel system was rich at idle Single, Right or Rear HO2S

183 (M) Fuel system was lean at idle Single, Right or Rear HO2S

184 (M) Mass Air (MAF) output higher than expected

185 (M) Mass Air (MAF) output lower than expected

186 (M) Injector pulse width longer than expected or Mass Air Flow (MAF) lower than expected

187 Injector pulse width shorter than expected or Mass Air Flow (MAF) higher than expected

188 (M) Fuel system was rich at part throttle - Left or Front HO2S

189 (M) Fuel system was lean at part throttle - Left or Front HO2S

191 (M) Fuel system was rich at idle - Left or Front HO2S

192 (M) Fuel system was lean at idle - Left or Front HO2S

193 Failure in Flexible Fuel (FF) sensor circuit

194 (M) Perform cylinder balance test to check for inoperative injectors

195 (M) Perform cylinder balance test to check for inoperative injectors

211 (M) Ignition PIP signal was erratic or missing

212 (M) Ignition TACH signal was erratic (module/wiring) or SPOUT circuit fault

213 (R) Ignition SPOUT or SAW circuit open or shorted

214 (M) Error in Cylinder ID (CID) circuit or signal

215 (M) Primary circuit failure - ignition coil 1

216 (M) Primary circuit failure - ignition coil 2

217 (M) Primary circuit failure - ignition coil 3

218 (M) IDM signal open or high or left coil pack failure

219 (M) SPOUT circuit failure, timing defaulted to 10 degrees - follow code 213 diagnosis

222 (M) IDM open or high or right coil pack failure

223 (M) Dual Plug (DPI), SPOUT or IDM circuit fault

224 (M) Failure in ignition coil primary circuit

225 (R) Knock sensor not tested (ignore if not pinging)

226 (O) Ignition Diagnostic Monitor (IDM) signal fault

232 (M) EI primary coil circuit failure

238 (M) EI primary circuit failure - ignition coil 4

311 (R) AIR system not working - Single, Right or Rear HO2S

312 (R) AIR not diverting

313 (R) AIR not bypassing

314 (R) AIR inoperative, Left or Front HO2S

326 (R,M) Pressure Feedback EGR shows low pressure EGR not seating or not seating intermittantly

327 (O,R,M) EGR feedback signal is/was low

328 (O,R,M) EGR Valve Position (EVP) is/was low

332 (R,M) EGR did not open/respond during test or if memory code, did not open intermittantly

334 (O,R,M) EVP sensor is/was high

335 (O) EGR feedback signal is/was out of range

336 (O,R,M) PFE sensor signal is/was was high

337 (O,R,M) EGR feedback signal is/was was high

338 (M) Cooling system did not heat up (check cooling system / thermostat operation)

339 (M) Cooling system overheated (check cooling system / thermostat operation)

341 (O) Octane jumper installed (information only code to notify you if it is installed)

411 (R) Idle speed system not controlling idle properly (generally idle too high)

412 (R) Idle speed system not controlling idle properly (generally idle too low)

452 (M) Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) problem

511 (O) No power to PCM pin 1 or bad PCM (processor)

512 (M) Memory power (PCM pin 1) was interrupted - Was battery disconnected ?

513 (O) Replace processor (PCM) (internal failure)

519 (O) PSP switch/circuit open

521 (R) Wheel not turned during test or PSP problem

522 (O) Park/Neutral Position (PNP) or Clutch Pedal Position (CPP) circuit fault Transmission MLP sensor out of range in park

524 Problem in low speed fuel pump circuit

525 (O,M) Park/Neutral Position (PNP) or Clutch Pedal Position (CPP) circuit fault

528 (M) System shows voltage at pin 10 (is A/C on ?) or pin 30 (PNP, CPP switch)

529 (M) Data Communications Link to processor failure
Service any EEC codes, erase memory and retest. If code is still present refer to instrument cluster diagnosis manual.

533 (M) Data Communications Link to instrument cluster failure - see 529

536 (O,R,M) Brake On Off open or shorted to ground

538 (R) System did not receive "goose" test - TESTS

539 (O) System shows voltage at PCM pin 10. Is A/C on ?

542 (O,M) Fuel pump open, bad ground or always on -

543 (O) Fuel pump monitor circuit shows no power (M) (Service 556 code first if present) Fuel pump relay or battery power feed was open

551 Problem in Intake Manifold Runner Control (IMRC) solenoid/circuit

552 (O) AIRB solenoid/circuit failure

553 (O) AIRD solenoid/circuit failure

554 (O) Fuel Press Regulator Control solenoid/circuit fault

556 (O,M) Fuel pump relay primary circuit fault

557 (O,M) Low speed pump relay primary circuit fault

558 (O) EGR vacuum regulator solenoid/circuit failure

559 (O) A/C relay primary circuit fault

563 (O) High Fan Control (HFC) circuit failure

564 (O) Fan Control (FC) circuit failure

565 (O) Canister Purge 1 solenoid/circuit failure

566 (O) transmission 3/4 shift solenoid/circuit

569 (O) Canister Purge 2 solenoid/circuit failure

578 (M) A/C pressure sensor VREF short to ground

579 (M) ACP sensor did not change with A/C on

581 (M) Cooling fan current was excessive

582 (O) Open cooling fan circuit

583 (M) Fuel pump current was excessive

584 (M) Open power ground circuit

585 (M) A/C clutch current was excessive

586 (M) Open circuit in A/C clutch

587 (O, M) Communication problem between PCM and Variable Control Relay Module (VCRM)

617 (M) Transmission shift failure (1/2 shift)

618 (M) Transmission shift failure (2/3 shift)

619 (M) Transmission shift failure (3/4 shift)

621 (O) Solenoid/circuit failure - shift solenoid 1

622 (O) Solenoid/circuit failure - shift solenoid 2

624 (O,M) Solenoid/circuit failure -Electronic Pressure Control (EPC) current is high

625 (O,M) Solenoid/circuit failure - Electronic Pressure Control (EPC) current is low

626 (O) Transmission Coast Clutch (CCS) Solenoid/circuit fault

627 (O) Torque Converter Clutch circuit fault

628 (M) Excessive converter clutch slippage

629 (O,M) Torque Converter Clutch circuit fault

631 (O) Overdrive Cancel Light circuit problem

632 (R) E4OD - Transmission Control Switch (TCS) should be cycled once between engine ID and Goose test

633 (O) 4x4L switch should be in 4x2 or 4x4 high for the test

634 (O,M) Park/Neutral Position (PNP) or Clutch Pedal Position (CPP) circuit fault
Electronic shift transmission - Manual Lever Position (MLP) sensor out of range in PARK

636 (O,R) Transmission Oil Temperature (TOT) sensor out of range

637 (O,M) TOT sensor is/was high or open

638 (O,M) TOT sensor is/was low or grounded

639 (R,M) Transmission Speed sensor (TSS) circuit fault

641 (O) Transmission solenoid/circuit failure Shift Solenoid 3

643 (O)(M) Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) circuit

645 (M) Transmission 1st gear failure

646 (M) Transmission 2nd gear failure

647 (M) Transmission 3rd gear failure

648 (M) Transmission 4th gear failure

649 (M) Transmission EPC system failure

651 (M) Transmission EPC solenoid/circuit fault

652 (O) Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) circuit fault

654 (O) Transmission selector not in PARK

656 (M) Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) slip

657 (M) Transmission temperature was excessive

998 (R) Did not pass Key On Engine Off test yet (Get 111 in KOEO first)
(O) Transmission Electronic Pressure Control (EPC) solenoid/circuit fault [EEC Tests]

8 comentarii:

  1. la ce foloseste intrerupatorul de la pinul 48 ?
    sa inteleg ca se sterg erorile doar deconectand pin 16 si pin 17 fara sa iau contactul ?

    foarte interesante articole, felicitari !

  2. Intrerupatorul este pus pentru a inchide testerul.Pinul 48 se leaga la masa(caroserie,minus).Pentru a sterge erorile se deconecteaza testerul inainte de a inchide contactul.Daca erorile nu se sterg se incerca invers se inchide contactul inainte de a inchide testerul.Am intalnit si a 2 a varianta.


  3. se poate testa un escort 1,4 benzina 74cp 8valve benzina din 96 cu aceasta metoda?

  4. Orice model de escort cu calculatorul EEC IV. Ai si o poza sus in care sunt etichetele de pe EEC (calculator).Mai exact s scrie EEC IV pe el. Oricum la 96 banuiesc ca ai mufa la motor asa ca nu trebuie s te uiti pe EEC ce scrie.

  5. Buna ziua!se poate trimite si la mine?
    escort 1,6 16 v 1998 .Stima!PS.eventual si adresa "torente"daca este si asta o optiune.Multumesc anticipat!

  6. buna ziua am facut un test led insa nu reusesc sa citesc codul ma puteti ajuta am inregistrat testul
    multumesc anticipat

  7. Bună ziua. Am o benzină Ford Escort 1.4 EFI martie 1995, Portugalia. Ea are un conector de diagnostic cu 16 pini egale cu imaginea blogului. Ea are fire din ace 3,4,5,7,11 și 16. PIN 3 (DCL Ford languge) est'conectado codul PIN 18 în ECU. Pin 11 (DCL Ford languge) este conectat la pinul 19 pe ECU. Pinii 4 și 5 sunt de sârmă de masă (mai putin). Pin 7 cred că e pentru a testa airbag, SRS, radio etc ... a fost dată 16 este pozitivă a bateriei. egal cu această setare. Este posibil să se ia testul? Am direct în ECU, la terminalul 17/48 sau poate face așa cum este indicat pe acest site Există riscul de ardere / ruina ECU ?? Notă: ECU CEE IV "CON (BOLD)" IMM-105 94AB-12A650-BD * CD7L23AS12N7 * CAD 5A04. tu și felicitări mulțumesc pe articol excelent.

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